Pitted forks, stanchions, fork re-conditioning and rechroming

Ashford Chroming can re-hard chrome your motorcycles pitted forks, stanchions and re-grind them to their original size, making them better quality than new and to UK Motorcycle MOT standards.

Fork reconditioning is often cheaper than buying new replacement forks and to mostly superior standards.

We can offer a fork reconditioning service for the following types of forks:

  • Standard (conventional)
  • Upside Down Forks
  • Ceriani
  • Showa
  • Stepped Forks


We can:

  • Re-grind forks and stanchions
  • Straighten
  • Remove pitting and rust
  • Improve the appearance with using hard chrome
  • Stop leaking
  • Recondition forks to meet MOT standards


If you would like an estimate to restore, re-chrome your front forks, follow link below:



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