Finding restoration services online with Ashford Chroming

At Ashford Chroming, we’re on a mission to make it safe and easy to get your parts restored from your workshop. We know that finding a decent restoration shop in your local town or city can make or break your project and your dream. 



We have a growing list of professional restoration services, backed by our highly skilled team of craftsmen.

  • Chrome Plating, Chroming, Rechroming
  • Nickel Plating
  • Copper Plating
  • Gold Plating, Incalux, Rose and Antique
  • Brass Plating
  • Bronze Plating
  • Satin and Polished finishes
  • Electro-stripping, Dechroming
  • Shot Blasting with Zinc etch primers for rust protection
  • Powder coating, custom finishes
  • Anodizing
  • Headlamp resilvering
  • Tap refurbishment and repairs
  • Bumper straightening and dent removal


Get everything done online:

Get your parts priced and restored, with no need for viewing. We give you an estimate from a photograph, collect your parts, carry out the work and keep you updated. Then you make secure payment on-line, or by phone and your parts are returned safely.


A team you can count on:

If you've got any questions about restoration, the process, what finish, we're here to help, 7 days a week.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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