Is it cheaper to buy new parts

Great question

In fairness most of the time, it might me.

That is to say, If you can buy a part new, be it a patent part or just a new one in the store. More than likely the cost of that part will be the same, as near as or even cheaper than us taking your old part, and restoring it.


The problem is a number of factors:


  1. A lot of new parts are made overseas, mass produced and made very cheaply, How often does a home appliance or electrical good break and we find it's cheaper to just buy a new one. But is your old part better?
  2. Your old part has to be stripped, if it is plated the cost of chemical (regulations) removal is a key factor
  3. Restoration. No matter how great your part looks, we have to run it through a series of skilled, by hand processes to finish it, labor in the UK push the price up.
  4. Handling. We handle thousands or parts, if we handle a few nuts and bolts the process we employ to ensure the job gets done, the parts don't get lost and the customer is dealt with in a professional way adds a factor to our pricing


What this all means is our service is set-up to help customers who have parts that they can't replace. Perhaps it's a handle set for a kitchen, a tap set for a bathroom and they want to simply remove - re-finish and re-install. Our customers value their parts and value our services. Often our restored part is better than the new one and that is a factor our customers consider.


If you have a part and there is an option to buy a new one, or a replica, It's no bother to ask for an estimate, after-all its free!

So rather than be left guessing, contact us for an estimate.


We do try our best to be user and price friendly : -)


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